DNA - our genetic blueprint
Sports and exercise genetics has the potential to contribute to the health and well-being of athletes.

In 2007, human geneticist Craig Venter sequenced all 21,000 human genes for the first time.
The human blueprint was thus decoded. They contain our entire genetic material and determine who and how we are. The then U.S. President Bill Clinton said: "Now we are learning the language with which God created life. But there is still a lot of new vocabulary to learn.
Each gene consists of two acid threads (RNA) which are connected to base pairs like rungs (alleles) of a ladder, except that this ladder is twisted into a helix. These rungs or base pairs can occur in four different variations as adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) or thymine (T). It is precisely these variations that account for the differences in us humans.
Each gene consists of two acid threads (RNA) which are connected to base pairs like rungs (alleles) of a ladder, except that this ladder is twisted into a helix. These rungs or base pairs can occur in four different variations as adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) or thymine (T). It is precisely these variations that account for the differences in us humans.
scientific publications per year on human genetics
are sufficiently scientifically researched for evidence-based statements
directly influence the sporting performance
We used to call it talent or fate, but today we know it's in the genes.
In extensive human genetics research projects, we find out which gene constellations with which base pair cause which characteristics; whether one has blue or brown eyes, protruding or clinging ears, is susceptible to diseases or has stamina etc. This is what science calls predisposition, we call it disposition. Knowing our predispositions makes us more aware people and gives us the ability to either do something about it or against it. In the past we called it talent or fate, today we know it, it is in the genes.
Although human genetics is currently the fastest growing scientific discipline within medicine, with about one million new scientific publications per year, we only understand a small part of the whole field of genetics. About 3,200 genes have been sufficiently scientifically researched to make sound evidence-based statements. Among them, however, are some of the most exciting human genes. About 250 genes are known to directly influence athletic performance. And every year, there are significantly more.
Although human genetics is currently the fastest growing scientific discipline within medicine, with about one million new scientific publications per year, we only understand a small part of the whole field of genetics. About 3,200 genes have been sufficiently scientifically researched to make sound evidence-based statements. Among them, however, are some of the most exciting human genes. About 250 genes are known to directly influence athletic performance. And every year, there are significantly more.

Each person is truly unique, possessing his or her own unique blueprint.
If we calculate the theoretical maximum variation in how genes can be arranged, we arrive at 700 trillion possible variations. This means statistically that every human being is truly unique, has his own unique blueprint. With an average of about 2,000 gene errors, which are hopefully allotted to insignificant gene sections.
If one wanted to read aloud the letter sequence of the base pairs of an entire human genome, it would take about 100 years, so complex and extensive is the sum of our genetic material.
The genetic blueprint is already determined at birth. Half comes from the mother, the other half from the father. Thus, genetics does not change during a lifetime. However, the "volume" of the genetic characteristics can be influenced by personal lifestyle. Positive characteristics can be strengthened, negative ones can be softened or even "switched off". In science, this is called epigenetics and describes the conscious influencing of genetic predispositions through targeted intervention measures. In this way, we determine how we deal with and pass on our genetic predisposition through our personal lifestyle.
If one wanted to read aloud the letter sequence of the base pairs of an entire human genome, it would take about 100 years, so complex and extensive is the sum of our genetic material.
The genetic blueprint is already determined at birth. Half comes from the mother, the other half from the father. Thus, genetics does not change during a lifetime. However, the "volume" of the genetic characteristics can be influenced by personal lifestyle. Positive characteristics can be strengthened, negative ones can be softened or even "switched off". In science, this is called epigenetics and describes the conscious influencing of genetic predispositions through targeted intervention measures. In this way, we determine how we deal with and pass on our genetic predisposition through our personal lifestyle.

The human blueprint
Knowing the human blueprint is never a judgment, but creates additional awareness for personal lifestyle planning. Doing the right thing preventively requires knowledge of personal predisposition.
This individual view of people and their genetic blueprint is what makes individual medical and sports science care possible and extremely useful. Because not every measure has the same effect on everyone, but rather very different and individually different. This will completely reorient medicine in particular, but also many other areas.
We have made it our vision to make the modern findings of human genetics available to a broader public and especially to all athletes who want to benefit from a performance-optimized, injury-free and health-preserving sport.
This individual view of people and their genetic blueprint is what makes individual medical and sports science care possible and extremely useful. Because not every measure has the same effect on everyone, but rather very different and individually different. This will completely reorient medicine in particular, but also many other areas.
We have made it our vision to make the modern findings of human genetics available to a broader public and especially to all athletes who want to benefit from a performance-optimized, injury-free and health-preserving sport.